1) Change the program so that instead of using "childNodes" it uses "nextSibling" for looping through the nodes. $node = $doc->documentElement->firstChild; while ($node) { if ($node->nodeType == 1) { echo $node->tagName. " : "; $innerNode = $node->firstChild; while ($innerNode) { if ($innerNode->nodeType == 1) { echo $innerNode->tagName ." = ". $innerNode->nodeValue ."; "; } $innerNode = $innerNode->nextSibling; } echo "
"; } $node = $node->nextSibling; } ----------------------------------------- 2) Print all the titles of the movies by looping through the nodes which have "title" as their tag name and printing their "textContent". $titles = $doc->getElementsByTagName("title"); foreach($titles as $node) { print $node->textContent . " "; } OR: $titles = $doc->getElementsByTagName("title"); for ($i = 0; $i < $titles->length; $i++) { print $titles->item($i)->textContent . " "; } ----------------------------------------- 3) Find the movie from the year "1998" and print the textContent of its parentNode. $year = $doc->getElementsByTagName("year"); foreach($year as $node) { if ($node->textContent == "1998") { print $node->parentNode->textContent . " "; } } ----------------------------------------- 4) Read the contents of the XML file into a data structure that contains the movies and their titles, actor and years. $topElem = $doc->documentElement; $movies = array(); foreach ($topElem->childNodes AS $item) { if ($item->nodeType == 1) { $temp = array(); foreach ($item->childNodes AS $bottomItem) { if ($bottomItem->nodeType == 1) { $temp[$bottomItem->tagName] = $bottomItem->nodeValue; } } array_push($movies,$temp); } } echo "
echo "
"; ----------------------------------------- 6) Change the code so that tag names are printed in italics and the ID attributes are printed in bold face. In the startElement function change the echo statement to: echo "$name: {$attrs["ID"]}"; ----------------------------------------- 7) Print only the titles of the movies. In the startElement function: global $istitle; ... if ($name == "TITLE") { echo "$name: "; $istitle = true; } else { $istitle = false; } In the handler function: global $istitle; if ($istitle == true) { echo "$data"; } ----------------------------------------- 8) Print only the movie titles. "; } } ?>